Sunday 6 October 2024

Golden river


All your gifts are the weapons of the cities

the cities' gift necks lie wide open

all the sore throats 

are rivers of smoke and mirrors

everything is like clouds drifting by

the wheels of the city 

are the same as always

the sore throat of the city 

lifts soles off the floor

all your gifts are the weapons of cities

vertebras sick after torrential rain.


Egg plumes of the sun, 

egg plumes of the sun

lifts you above the lie

all heavy swirls out of sore throats

egg plumes of the sun, 

egg plumes of the sun, 

egg plumes of the sun

you can smoke on whoever you want

in wolfish sea lust

the eels will stir your thirst 

for the sea very much.


Egg plumes of the sun, 

egg plumes of the sun

are the waves' caps of moth-eaten fame

sea ​​wolves saw necks

egg plumes of the sun, 

egg plumes of the sun,

the sun's egg plumes.


Lifts the mysteries of the eels 

in rivers of light in golden rivers

lifting up the mysteries of the eels 

in rivers of light in golden rivers

lifting the mysteries of the eels

in rivers of light




the golden river.


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