Sunday 11 June 2023

Lucy the Mermaid



A furious pillar in the sunken city

practicing reverb

hover to hover completely silently.


Swim phantom tetra - 

swim like the mermaid Lucy

swim phantom tetra - 

swim as Lucy the mermaid

swim phantom tetra - 

swim as Lucy the mermaid.


Illuminated cheat snorkel

come up and get some air

that's how your mantra runs

you love how it is.


Swim phantom tetra - 

swim like the mermaid Lucy

swim phantom tetra - 

swim as Lucy the mermaid.


Listen sacrificial son how we launch

listen sacrificial son how we launch.


Lucy's emptiness

Lucy's emptiness

Lucy's emptiness.


You carry us through 

             the desert of settlement

chaos is the earth's yellow reef

how often do we come across this yellow

like right now?


Swim phantom tetra - 

swim like the mermaid Lucy

Swim phantom tetra -

swim like the mermaid Lucy

swim phantom tetra, swim.


The delicious hymn is hymn

koi carp koi more tuff than tuff

you meet an entire entourage 

             behind the mermaid Lucy.


Swim phantom tetra 

as Lucy the Mermaid.


Swim phantom tetra

Swim phantom tetra

Swim phantom tetra

Swim phantom tetra

Swim phantom tetra

Swim phantom tetra

Swim phantom tetra, swim.


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