Thursday, 18 March 2010

Op gennem den mødrene linje i min familie har der været en tradition for varselsdrømme, særligt manifest forud for fødsel (og til tider også død), hvor det for min mormors og oldemors vedkommende stadig var sådan, at de drømte ikke bare navnet på den undfangne - men til tider også fik besked om, hvad eller hvilken person vedkommende tidligere havde været. Dette kom jeg atter i tanker om, da jeg i dag læste følgende skrevet af Valentin Tomberg:
"Before the soul reaches the region of actuality, it descends through the regions of imagination, inspiration, and intuition. In the past, this descent was not always hidden from the parents' consciousness, and it will not always remain so in the future. In the past, the birth process could be experienced consciously even before it reached the physical world. The descending being was recognized in suprasensory world. Thus it became possible to give the new earthly being a true name. The name expressed the knowledge revealed in the suprasensory world through that descending being. In the future, this faculty will reappear - especially in the East."

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